Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

Harmony of Piano ( Melody and Chord )

Melody is the tone of a song. 
The tone can be the major and minor.
Minor tones are usually found on the sad songs .. like De'Amour, A Comme Amour, etc .

This song is example for the minor tones :

But, major tone, usually found on the merry songs or happy songs such as polka, La paloma, etc.

This song is example for the major tone :

Feels less than perfect when the melody is played without harmony. Therefore, for the harmony, we need to add a chord as a retinue.
For example chord C major, A minor, etc.
Chord is generally composed of three tones played simultaneously.
We can know the chords, if we already know about the scales.
scales is a sequence of scales starting from the basic tone (in 1 octave),

This picture indicate space in SCALES . 
So if we want to play the scales ,it must be played with space : 
1 – 1 – ½ - 1 – 1 – 1 – ½  ,example:
when we use the basic tone C major (do = c), the scale:
C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C (the chord tones are derived from 1,3,5 -> C-E-G)
when we use tones D major (do = d) the scale:
D-E-F#-G-A-B-C#-D (the chord tones are derived from 1,3,5 -> D-F#-A)

and so on ...

So, with the combination of melody and chord. There is a harmony track as we heard (either classic, jazz, etc) of the piano. :D

Ok, that's all about harmony of piano. Hope it be useful for you all ! :D
See you at the next post. ;)