Sabtu, 01 September 2012

History of the Piano

Hallo,I'm back..^^
Now, I will describe you about history of the piano..

The Piano was invented by Bartolomeus Cristofori (1655-1731) in 1720.

The idea to make a piano,started from his wanted to unite the tones of clavichord with the power of harpshicord. At first,Piano was called  keyboard with soft and loud sound by his friend.
String tension of his piano isn't strong as now. Frame of his piano made from wood and String tension made from wood too,consequently the sound isn't loud as now and String tension of his piano isn't strong as now .

This is picture about his piano :

That's why,many piano German makers,made design to produce better piano. There is a square form,the string made from metal,etc. In the year of 1800, Joseph Smith from England made piano from metal entirely. Consequently,his piano afford sound more loud and better.

In development, before it has 88 keys as now, the piano has five octaves and 62 keys. It equipped with pedals too. But,first pedal was used with the knee,now using foot. Firstly string tension of 16 tons,now 30 tons. Because that,piano modern afford the great sound which can make us carried away by the beautiful voice. In the 20th century,there is an electronic piano or is called electric piano

This is the picture of  modern piano(there are piano from electricity and piano regular) :

Ok,that's all history about piano.
See you ,at the next post ;)