Sabtu, 27 April 2013

How to manage the garbage?

Hallo! Glad to see you again ^^ ..!! This time I will discuss how a good solution to manage garbage. Okay, let's get started!

        Garbage is discarded items or items that are not used anymore. The bins are two types, organic and inorganic. Organic waste is waste that easily weathered / destroyed, instead of a liquid / gas and is often called the wet garbage. For example leftovers, leftover fruit. Inorganic rubbish is rubbish is not easily broken / obsolete is not a liquid and gas and is often referred to as dry waste. For example plastic, tin, iron, glass.

       We can find trash everywhere. One of them at our school. Every day there is a lot of trash that we often see. We can see it in the cafeteria, in the trash, in the classroom. Well, if the garbage pile will continue to harm humans and certainly not good for health.
        There are some good solutions that can be applied. We can recycle garbage, first by taking organic waste. Organic waste is then recycled into fertilizer. Then manure or compost can be used for plants. We can also collect organic waste is then taken by truck to the woods and dumped there. So that the trees can grow so infrequent landslides. It can also result in the reforestation.

Composting using plastic drums are very suitable to be applied to process household waste.

Composting using plastic drums : 
 Material and Equipment Used
1. Plastic buckets or drums that have been modified (made ​​hollow) with a minimum capacity of 100 kg.
2. Liquid bio-activator (aerobic method) or solid bio-activator (anaerobic method).
3. Organic waste materials (avoid meat, bone, fish bone, fatty food scraps, milk, feces of dogs, cats, and pigs).
How to Make
1. Chopped raw materials to measuring 2-5 cm.
2. Sprinkle bioktivator OrgaDec 0.5% to the raw materials, mix until well blended.
3. Flush with water to obtain the desired humidity (50-60%), direct insert into the plastic drum.
4. Incubation for 1-2 weeks, depending on the raw material.
5. On the third day or the eighth day of stirring or reversal needs to be done manually in order to aeration in the drum lasts well.
The Composting Process Active Express (24 hours)
1. Dry straw, dried leaves, husks, sawdust, or any organic matter that can be fermented (20 parts).
2. Finished compost (2 parts).
3. Bran 1 part.
4. Dectro adjusted dose (5 tablespoons).
5. Water adjusted dose (20 liters).

How to Make
1. Count atu milled compost materials until slightly smooth, then mix with the bran and the finished compost.
2. Dectro dissolve into the water.
3. Pour evenly into the mixture solution Dectro raw material until its water content reaches 45-50%.
4. Stacks of raw material mixture over the dry tile with a height of 30-35 cm, then cover using burlap sacks.
5. Maintain a temperature of 40-600 C.
6. After 24 hours, active compost express finished fermented and ready for use as an organic fertilizer.

For inorganic waste, we can make it an art or crafts. For example, to make a plastic bag, then wrap the box for tea, etc.

Ok, that's all about my solution for manage the garbages in this world. Thank you for reading! I hope this is useful for all of you ^^. See you and God bless :)

Jumat, 19 April 2013

Hee Ah Lee

Hi guys! I'm back! ^^.. In this post, I will tell you about "Hee Ah", who inspired many people in this world because of her deficiency. Ok, let's start! :D

This is Hee Ah, she was a Korean pianist who was born handicapped, since birth Hee Ah Lee is a down syndrome sufferer, her fingers also had abnormalities, her abnormalities fingers is called a lobster claw syndrome, shaped like a claw shrimp, without hands. Her feet are also only at the knees so that there is a special pedal for her (the pedals were also elevated).
This is motivaton words from Hee Ah Lee

However, in such conditions she could play the piano with incredible, she was able to inspire a lot of people in the world. She can realizing that initially impossible dream come true. She is a woman who never gave up and had a great sincerity in music.
Hee Ah Lee with her mother

She also played with pianist Richard Clayderman at the White House, Washington, United States.
Hee Ah Lee perform solo piano concert at Balai Kartini, Jakarta in 2007. In there, Hee Ah Lee brought classical music works of great composers, such as Chopin, Franz Schubert, Mozart (such as Piano Concerto No. 21), and some pop songs like My Heart Will Go On, Love Story.

It's amazing right? I hope this can be an inspiration for all of you who read this! See you and God Bless :)

Jumat, 12 April 2013

Body Position while Playing Piano

  Hi, guys! I'm back ^^! In this post I will explain about " Body Position while Playing Piano ". Ok, check it out! ;)

    After discussing the various material turns out there's one more thing that is important to consider, namely body position while playing the piano. In Indonesia, this was very less attention. In other countries, such as Japan, or states in the European part, the first lesson is to learn to flex their muscles, especially the fingers to the shoulder.
Just learn to flex muscles can be up to 1 year. They are willing to pay without complaining because they know the lessons useful in the future.
In Indonesia, most people can not wait, they wants to play, period.

     It terms of what is learned? Among others:
1. Wrist is moved up and down (like holding a hammer) so strong when hitting the piano keys.
2. Fingers grasped and opened quickly and repeatedly in order to play the piano quickly.
3. Upper arm associated with shoulder shake it so that pressing the piano keys just arm strength, do not include the body,

Those things are very important even though it's something that is "very small".
It is a mystery why the majority of Indonesian people are not able to exercise for hours as people overseas.

Ok, that's all :D. I hope it can be useful for all of you ^^. See you and God Bless ! :D

Sabtu, 06 April 2013

Strains of Piano

    Hey, how are guys ? ^^ In this post I will tell you about some trains of piano.. let's check it out ! ^^

     Do you know? That strains of the piano sound was not just an entertainer, but as a stimulant to intelligence.
There are several types of strains of piano that support intelligence:

A. Classical Music
     Classical music is considered to have a fairly universal impact, which can give the impression relax, reduce stress and make the pulse rate is constant.

B. Baroque music
     When we play homage to the baroque piano (such as Bach), the music can lead to a sense of calm and comfortable. This music was created to describe the greatness of hosts so that the listener can feel himself to be in the arms of mighty hosts, full of beauty and tranquility.
Baroque music was able to make the atmosphere so excited, stimulated to express, evoke artistic activity.

C. Nature Sounds of Music
    This music is not part of classical music, but a new finding (modernization of sound recording technology). For example: baroque music with the background sound of the surf / rustling of leaves and trees. The sounds make us easy to imagine/envision.

   Ok, that's all about my post ! Hope it can be useful for all of you ^^..See you at the next post and God bless :D.