Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

Ludwig Van Beethoven and his song

             Hey,guys !! I'm back again :D . Now, I will describe about " Ludwig Van Beethoven and his song " . O yeah, now in every week, we will always meet (yeeee \(^^)/... ) !! Ok, let's start ;) !

            Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Germany on December 16, 1770

       He since childhood, was introduced to music by his father. Although initially forced, his father could see the musical talent present in his children. Beethoven's father wanted his son to be like Mozart (a great musician and well-known in that time).

       At 5 years old , Beethoven began to composition and the age of six he began to surround Europe. After his mother died from tuberculosis, Beethoven had to endure and deal with siblings who are still small. Because his father drunk and spend money for alcohol, fortunately, Beethoven continued to receive a steady income by giving piano lessons to a noble family.

        Early 1794, Beethoven studied composition at the Johann Georg Alberchtsberger and Antonio Salieri. Beethoven began his career as a pianist in Vienna. Since then, he began to be known a lot of people. But at the height of his career, he suffered total of deaf due to otoslerosis. Initially he felt insecure and depressed, but fortunately recovered his spirits and can performance with an outstanding although his ears can not hear.

      His creation of the famous song until now titled Fur Elise 
      This is one sheet of some sheets about Fur Elise :

      Overview of the Fur Elise, meaning of  Fur Elise was a woman named Elise can be seen and heard from melody opener Für Elise showing the initials of the woman who is loved Beethoven. The melody begins with a tone E - E - E, read E - Es - E, letter to the tune of the name EliSE.

       Ok,This is the song ! :D Enjoy it ^^

       Okeee,that's all about my blog now :D ! Hope it's useful and all of you can enjoy it ^^ !
       Thank you for visit , and see you . Gbu :)

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